AT Summer Beach Clean
Who doesn’t love a stroll along the beach on a sunny Summer’s afternoon, and its even better if it’s coupled with cleaning up our coastline and helping our communities at the same time. Ten of our team did just that last Friday by hosting our very own AT Beach Clean through the Marine Conservation Society.
With litter pickers and surveys in hand, our teams took to Spittal Beach in Berwick-Upon-Tweed on what seems to have been the only sunny afternoon recently, and set about cleaning up this beautiful location.
Whilst Spittal is an extremely clean and well maintained beach, it’s amazing what you can find when you start looking past the stunning views. Our volunteers managed to collect 171 items of litter from the selected 100m stretch, and our data has now been submitted to the MCS survey to help their fight against beach litter and ocean pollution.
We are incredibly lucky to live in an area with such well-maintained coastlines, but this isn’t possible without the hard work of volunteers who help to keep our beaches clean and tidy. We wanted to say a big thank you to all of those who work tirelessly behind the scenes all year round to ensure our countryside and coastline’s stay as picturesque as possible.
AT are committed to helping our communities wherever possible and we will look to continue our volunteering efforts along our coastlines in the coming months and years.